Bestiary and Quartet (Vanguard LP-71278, CS-71278): The former is a Music Theater Piece for Renaissance Ensemble performed by Calliope. The Quartet for clarinet, violin, cello, piano is performed by members of Chamber Music Northwest.
Note that these are the last remaining vintage copies of a 40-year old LP. They may not include shrink wrap, and may have some packaging imperfections, but they are not previously-owned copies.
- Peter Schickele, narrator
- Calliope: A Renaissance Band
- Lucy Bardo, vielle; treble & bass viols; drum
- Lawrence Benz, alto, tenor, bass sackbuts; soprano, alto, tenor recorders; soprano, alto, tenor krummhorns; finger cymbals; hurdy-gurdy
- Allan Dean, cornetto; alto sackbut; soprano, alto, tenor krummhorns; sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor recorders, soprano shawm
- Ben Harms, soprano, alto, tenor recorders; soprano, alto, tenor krummhorns; alto sackbut; tenor gemshorn; alto shawm; bass viol; drum; tambourine
- David Shifrin, clarinet
- Eriko Sato, violin
- Fred Sherry, cello
- David Oei, piano
Track Listing
Bestiary, A Music Theater Piece for Renaissance Ensemble
[1] Introduction (Genesis)
[2] Overture
[3] Frogs (The Bestiary: A Book of Beats, 12th century, translated from the Latin by T.H. White)
[4] The Elephant (The Bestiary)
[5] The Hedgehog (The Bestiary)
[6] The Unicorn (The Bestiary)
[7] The Whale (Anon. 13th century, translated from Middle English by Brian Stone)
[8] The Butterfly (Anon.)
[9] The Bee (The Bestiary and Caltha Poetarum, or the Bumble Bee, T. Cutwode, 1599)
[10] Finale (the Dove) (Genesis and The Bestiary)
Quartet for Clarinet, Violin, Cello, and Piano
[11] Moderato, Flowing
[12] Fast, Driving
[13] Slow, Elegiac
[14] Quite Fast, Dancing
Cover image, audio clips and track listings are copyright © 1984 Omega Records and are used with the permission of Omega Records. Any other copying by other parties for other uses is not authorized.
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